It was a bit touch and go whether or not racing would go ahead, however temperatures picked up and the ground was safe and consistent by the first race. I was pleased with all my runners, Forlovenormoney jumped and travelled well, he blew hard after the race and will come on for the run. Mollanna View likewise and will be better on less tacky ground. Trakeur is still very green and feels like he will pick up a race before too long.
The Wychough ran in the final race, it was hard to spot him going round as it was very dark and gloomy but Sam kicked out of the back and he jumped well and battled all the way to the line to win by 4 lengths. He has improved a huge amount this season and he puts everything into his races.
I will see how they all are this week but will aim to run them all in 2-3 weeks time.